Be Ye Followers of Me, As I Am Also of Christ
Posted April 10, 2007
I Corinthians 11:1 says, "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." In I Corinthians 4:15-16 it says, "For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. v.15 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me." v.16
All of you have heard that I was a practicing veterinarian at age 37, and God told me to sell my veterinary practice and all of my possessions and obey him. Everyone has heard how God led me from Texas to Missouri to Florida and back to Texas. For four years I was in Argyle, which was the wilderness, being tempted of the devil day and night. In May 1977, God sent me back to McKinney, Texas to practice veterinary medicine. God led me to become a member of the First United Methodist Church in McKinney where I served as an usher, a Sunday school teacher, president of the fellowship class, a member of the administrative board, and became a certified lay speaker in the North Texas Conference. God had taught me that I should be in submission to Dr. Wilson Canafax, Pastor of First United Methodist Church in McKinney, as well as the District Superintendent of the North Texas Conference, and other authorities of the bishop's office. I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Bishop Stowe face to face.
In 1980, God directed me to go speak to the people of Plano. I was obedient to his commandment and arrived in Plano on August 1, 1980. At that time, I had Seed of Abraham Ministries and was forming Water of Life Church of Plano, Inc. and received the charter November 24, 1980. On January 4, 1981, we moved into this building that we are presently in. On October 1, 1981, God put me on radio 1600 AM with five fourteen-minute programs a week, and I continued to practice veterinary medicine. While making those fourteen-minute programs, I really learned to listen to the Spirit of God and be led by the Spirit with my speaking. Each week I made five fourteen-minute programs in one hour and fifteen minutes with few exceptions. Occasionally I would do three and then I would do two. For example, I had just completed three fourteen-minute programs on a certain day, and the Spirit of the Lord said, "Get up and get out of this room." As I walked out the door, Patti was coming down the hall and she said, "Milton Green is on the telephone for you." I had visited with Milton the day before and God had told me to warn him concerning his life. I just didn't have the courage to say what God had told me to, but as I walked down that hallway I knew God was saying, I am giving you another chance to obey me. So I told Milton Green what God had to say and went back and finished two programs. Milton could not accept what God had to say to him. Six months after my conversation with Milton he went to be with the Lord. (I have repeatedly warned JR Staton by the Spirit of God for more than two and a half years to repent of his lying, and there is no evidence that he has.) In March 1982, I was on three radio stations in the metroplex with my five-day broadcasts, and by the fall of 1982 I was on twenty stations in the United States. In December 1982, the Lord led me to close my veterinary practice.
The Lord has provided us with the Internet to preach the gospel throughout the world. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying.
God bless you,
Doyle Davidson