Quench Not the Spirit

Posted September 17, 2007


On Thursday, September 13th, Debbie Geer looked out in her backyard and she saw a bird 10 to 11 inches high. She determined it was a hawk, and it was pivoting on something. As she looked more closely she could see a gray bird under the claws of this hawk, and she knew it was a dove.


On Saturday afternoon when she came here to the live broadcasts she came to me afterwards and told me what she had seen. My first response to her was, "The Holy Ghost is being quenched."


On Sunday night's television broadcast at 9:00 pm in Dallas, we were worshipping and the power of God was really moving. I stopped the worship and I said, "You hypocrites, you have resisted me as long as you are going to. I have enough power to overcome you. Just like with Stephen, you resist the Holy Ghost."


Today I have been praying and considering what God was saying to me by showing Debbie Geer the hawk and the dove. As I considered with Stephen they resisted the Holy Ghost, these were unbelievers, and they stoned him. What I hear God saying now is, Spirit-filled believers are quenching the Holy Ghost in all of the cities where I broadcast, both live and recorded for television, including those that attend Water of Life's building in Plano.


In I Thessalonians 5:19 it says, "Quench not the Spirit." I can assure you that this is a warning to the body of Christ by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to quench not his Holy Spirit. The word quench means, "to extinguish, quench of fire or things on fire; to be quenched, to go out." (Strong's concordance) This is clearly an act of unbelief by not yielding your members to the Holy Spirit. I am most certainly considering if I am quenching the Holy Spirit.



God bless you,


Doyle Davidson



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