Personal Testimony
Posted June 19, 2009
I received the folowing email from a woman who has given me permission to share her testimony.
God bless you,
Doyle Davidson
9 months ago I was diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys, lungs and heart. The treatment for SLE has side effects that are often-devastating, I was told there was no medical cure for this disease. I talked with Doyle about my symptoms, Doyle knew I was in trouble, he told me I was and that I needed to get to the doctor because he knew I didn't have the faith to be messing around with it. I called Doyle the day they told me what I had and they wanted me to start a treatment of Steroids followed by a cancer treatment. I did not want to do it, the list of side effects they gave me to read scared me. I told Doyle the information on the side effects scared me and Doyle told me to humble myself and get in there and do exactly what the doctors told me to do and stop worrying about side effects that was nothing but doubt and unbelief. Doyle told me this was a 3rd and 4th generation curse and there was a reason why I was in this situation but he didn't know why; Doyle told me I wasn't alone, that he was going to be praying and that I had the victory through Jesus Christ and no matter what the doctor said, it was a lie, I was healed and the only way I would see the victory was to take it by force by believing that Jesus died and he was buried and he rose again the 3rd day and that same power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power unto my salvation. As Doyle and I talked it was clear my heart was not right and I need to learn how to shut my mouth and humble myself. Doyle said if you want out you will have to pray out. I did the treatment with the Steroids but I did not have to do the cancer treatment. Thank God!
Over the past few months the doctor retested me to monitor the lupus, 4 times it came back positive for lupus and autoimmune, each time the numbers were getting lower. With Lupus they test several different things, DNA, ANA, HLN,SID Rate,RNA,etc, I don't understand what all these are exactly and how they read them to get the results but my 1st test I was an 8. On a scale 0-2 your negative 3-5 mild 6-8 moderately severe 9 and up is severe stage of lupus. Today June 15th 2009 I got my 5th set of test results, my lupus test came back Negative my DNA was still a little high, My doctor didn't know how to explain this to me, he told me that he felt I shouldn't get to excited yet, that he felt I should continue what I have been doing and come back in 6 months and be retested.
The foundation of the gospel that Doyle has taught is very powerful. Jesus said my grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. This is the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ on my life.
Paula Sanders