The Water of Life Boys
When God called me into the ministry, it was in my heart that I needed a singer. God sent me back to the Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas and told me I would find my daughter Kathy’s husband there. I did. God gave me Terry Mai, to walk with me and lead worship in this ministry. He was a professional singer, and I believe one of the best I’ve ever heard. Terry humbled himself and obeyed God; laying down his professional singing career. God taught him to worship Him in Spirit and in truth and when Terry would open his mouth and began to sing, the anointing would rise, devils would tremble and cry out, and people were set free and healed. Terry and I ministered together for almost thirty years, and I believe the two of us together could pray through anything.
God took Terry to heaven on January 26, 2009. At the request of the director of the mortuary, Kathy Mai and her girls took recordings of Terry ministering in song, to the funeral home to be played through their sound system during the viewing. As friends and family gathered that evening, I heard a number of boys from Water of Life lift up their voices and sing along with Terry’s recordings. Frankly I was surprised; I didn’t know any of them could sing. Later, they told me that on occasion, after meetings at the church, they would be standing outside singing and Terry would walk out to get in his car and say to them, "Keep it up."
All but one of the Water of Life boys have been brought up in this ministry and the Spirit of God has ministered this gospel to them out of my heart since they were born. God is teaching these boys to worship Him in Spirit and truth, as He did Terry. Although Terry is in heaven, his faith and his anointing remain here with us through his music and the Water of Life Boys minister with Terry’s recordings.
God had a plan and I am grateful for His mercy on my life.
God Bless you, Doyle Davidson